How to Patch Test
Safety first
Our Semi-Permanent Dyes are peroxide-free, ammonia-free and PETA approved, so the chance of a reaction is very rare, but still possible.
Different things can affect your skin sensitivity so we recommend doing one each time you are going to dye your hair even if you are an experienced DIY-dyer. We recommend you perform a patch test 24 hours before dyeing your hair with our Semi-Permanent shades. This is to test your skins sensitivity and ensure you will not have any irritation from using the products.
1. Pop on a disposable glove and maybe an old t-shirt too, then dab a small amount of the dye solution behind your ear or on your inner elbow using a cotton bud or similar and allow it to dry.
2. If you are dyeing your hair, you need to do an allergy 48 hours beforehand.
3. Leave the product on your skin for 45 minutes and then rinse off.
4. If you notice any reactions during the 45 minutes or during the 48 hour window, do not use the product. A reaction can be down to lots of things but if the irritation persists, please speak to your local pharmacist or GP.
5. If you are using the Bleaching Kit, you may notice a tingling sensation which is normal when using a bleaching product. If you feel any major irritation or excessive heat from the product, rinse off immediately and don’t use it for now.
6. If you are happy no reaction occurred during your patch test – you are ready to hit the bottle!